Mar 18, 2022 – Proverbs 4:11 – God’s path over any other path

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Daily Word

Proverbs 4:11 (New Living Translation) [A thought for thought translation]

11 I will teach you wisdom’s ways and lead you in straight paths.


Proverbs 4:11 (New American Standard Bible) [A word for word translation]

11 I have directed you in the way of wisdom; I have led you in upright paths.


Pastor’s Thoughts

I am so thankful that I have a God who cares about what’s best for me. He has given me His Word to guide me and direct me to grow and to accomplish His plan. But, He did not just give me His Word. He gave me His Holy Spirit to lead and guide me as I read His Word. His Spirit prays for me and convicts me. And of course, He sent His Son, Jesus, to sacrifice Himself on the cross and take on God’s wrath for me so that I didn’t have to.

He truly does want what is best for me. My flesh (feelings) will tell me otherwise. Satan and his demons will tell me otherwise. The people of the world will tell me otherwise.

But they are all wrong. I have traveled the worlds paths and I have traveled God’s paths. I choose the straight path of the Lord.

This does not mean I am perfect. But it does mean that I am striving for Christlikeness.

What path do you take most often? Do you live your life with God’s Word (wisdom) being your foundation? Or have you bought into the lie that there is a better way?

Jesus is not only the only way, He is the best way.

Have a blessed Friday everyone. Do everything you can to stay on the path of becoming more like Jesus Christ. When the Holy Spirit reveals to you that you are wandering, stop yourself, and get back on God’s path.

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