Feb 27, 2022 – Proverbs 3:3-4 – Favor with God and People
Daily Word
Proverbs 3:3-4 (New Living Translation) [A thought for thought translation]
3 Never let loyalty and kindness leave you! Tie them around your neck as a reminder. Write them deep within your heart.
4 Then you will find favor with both God and people, and you will earn a good reputation.
Proverbs 3:3-4 (New American Standard Bible) [A word for word translation]
3 Do not let kindness and truth leave you; Bind them around your neck, Write them on the tablet of your heart.
4 So you will find favor and good repute In the sight of God and man.
Pastor’s Thoughts
If I were to ask you all who wanted to find favor with God and people, I bet that most if not all of you would raise your hand.
The Bible has a lot to say about God’s expectation of His children (Christians) being kind and honest. There are countless examples of people throughout the Bible and throughout history that behaved in an unkind or dishonest way towards someone(s) and it did not turn out well.
God tells us to treat others the way we desire to be treated. To love others the way that Jesus loved and still loves us. He is certainly kind and always honest.
If we want to enjoy life more, then we need to make a continuous effort at being kind and honest no matter how we are feeling like behaving. Just to clarify, sometimes we will be tempted to lie in order to be kind. I see that a lot today with people who are wanting them to tell them that their sin is not a sin or that God is okay with it and so they think they are being kind by lying to them. That is not kindness. We can stand on the truth of God’s Word and be kind while standing on it. The most unkind thing we can do is get someone to doubt God and His Word.
Yes it would be nice to have favor with both God and people. But, if I had to choose, I want favor with God over favor with people. He is the one I care about pleasing more than anyone else.
Let’s live as our Lord and Savior lived. Let’s grow in our kindness and just as important, let’s grow in our honesty (truthfulness).
Have a blessed Sunday everyone. Today is a new day. Make sure that if possible that you are making plans to get you and your family ready to worship with a local church this morning. Have a blessed Lord’s day!
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