January 7th, 2022 – We Live by Revelation
Experiencing God Devotional
Proverbs 29:18 – Where there is no revelation, the people cast off restraint; but happy is he who keeps the law.
The world operates on vision. God’s people live by revelation. The world seeks grand and noble purposes and goals to achieve. People dream up the greatest and most satisfying things in which they can invest their lives. Institutions establish goals and objectives and then organize themselves to achieve them. God’s people function in a radically different way. Christians arrange their lives based on the revelation of God, regardless of whether it makes sense to them. God does not ask for our opinion about what is best for our future, our family, our church, or our country. He already knows! What God wants is to get the attention of His people and reveal to us what is on His heart and what is His will, for God’s ways are not our ways! (Isa. 55:8–9).
Whenever people do not base their lives on God’s revelation, they “cast off restraint.” That is, they do what is right in their own eyes. They set their goals, arrange their agendas, and then pray for God’s blessings. Some Christians are living far outside the will of God, yet they have the audacity to pray and ask God to bless their efforts!
The only way for you to know God’s will is for Him to reveal it to you. You will never discover it on your own. When you hear from the Father, you have an immediate agenda for your life: obedience. As the writer of Proverbs observed: “Happy is he who keeps the law.”
Blackaby, Richard. Experiencing God Day By Day (p. 8). B&H Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.
Pastor’s Thoughts
“Some Christians are living far outside the will of God, yet they have the audacity to pray and ask God to bless their efforts!”
This right here is a mouthful. There are so many people who claim to be Christians and aren’t or who are Christian’s yet do not live like it — and these people say their prayers and ask God to bless this and bless that when in fact they are not really wanting God’s blessings, but in fact they just want God to provide their wants.
Rarely do our wants match what God’s blessing are. And that’s a good thing.
Make sure that when you are praying to God that you are praying as a true child of God and you are also praying with a repented heart having no unconfessed sin in your life. And lastly, make sure that the majority of your prayers are focused on God and His glory rather than your desire to be blessed. Just a thought.
I find that is a much more enjoyable way to pray.
Have a blessed Friday everyone!
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