January 2nd, 2022 – Woe is Me!
Experiencing God Devotional
Isaiah 6:5 – So I said: “ Woe is me, for I am undone … for my eyes have seen the King, The Lord of hosts.”
An exalted view of God brings a clear view of sin and a realistic view of self. A diminished view of God brings a reduced concern for sin and an inflated view of self. Isaiah may have been satisfied with his personal holiness until he saw the Lord in His unspeakable glory. Isaiah’s encounter with holy God made him immediately and keenly aware of his own unholiness and the sinfulness of those around him. It is impossible to worship God and remain unchanged. The best indication that we have truly worshiped is a changed heart.
Have we so conformed ourselves to a sinful world that we are satisfied with unholy living? Have we sunk so far below God’s standard that when someone does live as God intended, we consider that person “superspiritual”? If we only compare our personal holiness to those around us, we may be deceived into believing that we are living a consecrated life. Yet when we encounter holy God, our only response can be “Woe is me!”
You will not see those around you trusting Jesus until they recognize a clear difference between you and the rest of the world. God wants to sanctify you as He is holy. When God deals with you, there will be a radical degree of purity about your life that is absolutely different from what the world can produce. The world, including those closest to you, will be convinced you serve a holy God by your consecrated life.
Blackaby, Richard. Experiencing God Day By Day (p. 3). B&H Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.
Pastor’s Thoughts
“Have we so conformed ourselves to a sinful world that we are satisfied with unholy living? Have we sunk so far below God’s standard that when someone does live as God intended, we consider that person “superspiritual”?“
These are two awesome questions.
The first question should rock us all to our core. Are you satisfied in your sin or are you striving to be more like Jesus with how you choose to live your life? There are plenty of people who believe in Jesus that are satisfied with unholy living. Most if not all of those people will be in Hell at the end because they most likely never made Jesus their Lord and Savior.
That is not to say that I or anyone going to Heaven is perfect, because they aren’t and neither am I. But we must strive more and more to be more like Jesus Christ each day.
I want to be known as someone who is super-spirtiual or weird for Jesus. I am good with that. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t want to be an arrogant Pharisee, but I do want to be a suffering servant, just as my Lord Jesus Christ was and is.
Let’s choose to live lives that are holy which means set apart. Let’s let our light for Jesus Christ shine for all to see.
Have a blessed Sunday everyone! I pray you have a wonderful time worshipping with your church family!
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