January 15th, 2022 – Compelled to Serve

Hvbc   -  

Experiencing God Devotional

Psalm 110:3 – Your people shall be volunteers in the day of Your power.

One mark of revival, during which God comes to His people in power, is that God’s people are compelled to offer their lives for His service. Many churches lack people who are willing to get involved in carrying out God’s redemptive work. The mission fields are crying out for Christians to go and share the gospel with those who’ve never heard it. What we need is not more pleas for volunteers, but an outpouring of the power of God. When God comes among His people in power, there is never a shortage of volunteers or resources for His work!

When Christians today are asked what aspects of the Christian life are most important to them, missions is not usually ranked as a priority. This is because we have lost track of why God called us in the first place. We were not saved from our sin simply so that we would qualify for heaven. God delivered us so we would have a relationship with Him through which He could carry out His mission to redeem a lost world.

Only the power of God can free us from our natural self-centeredness and reorient us toward the mission of God. There is no need to pray that God would come in power. That is the only way He ever comes. We need hearts that are so responsive to Him that He will choose to demonstrate His power through us. Is your heart so filled with love for God that you are watching for the first opportunity to say with Isaiah, “Here am I. Send me!”?

Blackaby, Richard. Experiencing God Day By Day (p. 16). B&H Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.


Pastor’s Thoughts


It is easy to tell God and others that you are all in. It is much more difficult to actually be all in. 

As the saying goes, “talk is cheap.” We have to put our actions where our mouth is. 

Would you describe your faith as more of talk or action? If your talking is not resulting into action then you need to ask God to reveal what it is that is keeping you from goin all in and then give it up for Jesus. 

Remember that everything on this planet has an expiration date except us. We will spend eternity with Jesus or without Him. Never forget that eternity is not a possibility, it is a definitive. Make sure you spend eternity in the right place. And when you get there make sure you have many works of obedience and faith to show for your life on this earth.

Have a blessed Saturday everyone! Remember that if you are able to plan and prioritize a time of worshipping with a church tomorrow.

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