January 14th, 2022 – Warfare … or Discipline?
Experiencing God Devotional
Hebrews 12:6 – For whom the Lord loves He chastens, and scourges every son whom He receives.
There is a tendency among Christians to view anything unpleasant that happens to them as the result of “spiritual warfare.” When a difficulty arises, many immediately ask God to remove their distress. The problem is that their predicament may have nothing to do with Satan or with spiritual warfare. It may appear far more glorious for us to explain our hardships as Satan’s determined attacks against us, rather than admitting that we are merely reaping what we have sown and are being disciplined by our heavenly Father (Gal. 6:7).
What is often mistaken as Satan’s attack may actually be chastisement from our loving Father. If you have neglected your role as spiritual teacher to your children, God may allow them to fall into sin. If you have been dishonest at work, God may correct you by letting you face the consequences. It would be foolish to pray that God would ease your discomfort. God is disciplining you in order to gain your attention and bring necessary change to your life. How tragic never to make the connection between your problems and God’s discipline. God’s discipline will not help you if you dismiss it as Satan’s doing or spiritual warfare. Not every hardship is the chastisement of God, but Scripture indicates that God will discipline you.
If you misunderstand God’s chastening, you may actually blame Him for not answering your prayers or failing to protect you from Satan. Meanwhile, God is warning you of the danger you face because of your sin. His nature is perfect love, and He corrects you because He has your ultimate good in His heart.
Blackaby, Richard. Experiencing God Day By Day (p. 15). B&H Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.
Pastor’s Thoughts
“His nature is perfect love, and He corrects you because He has your ultimate good in His heart.”
This is so true and so abused. I can’t tell you how many conversations I have had with people who want to blame Satan for their circumstances when their circumstances are entirely because of their unwise sinful choices.
More times than not when we want to give Satan the credit, he is not the one to blame.
If you want a God to save you that is not going to hold you accountable for your choices, then you did not in fact choose the one true God and submit yourself to His Son Jesus.
I thank God every day for His conviction and correction that He keeps in my life. Without them I would be highly likely to stay in my sin rather than to find freedom from it through Jesus.
Give God the invitation every day to evaluate your heart and reveal the parts of it that need His healing touch so that you can be full of joy and peace rather than sin.
Have a blessed Friday everyone!
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