December 30th, 2021 – Food
Experiencing God Devotional
John 4:34 – Jesus said to them, “My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me, and to finish His work.”
The disciples were often preoccupied with how to meet their physical needs (Matt. 14:15–17; John 4:8; Luke 18:28). Jesus repeatedly assured them that the Father knew their needs and would provide (Luke 11:11–13).
When Jesus spoke to the woman at the well, His disciples had gone into a nearby town to get food. While His disciples were seeking earthly nourishment, Jesus was giving this woman “living water” that would satisfy her soul for eternity. When they returned, the disciples urged Jesus to eat. He replied that His “food” was to do the will of His Father. Since their attention was on earthly matters, His disciples misunderstood His reply. Jesus’ very life came from obeying His Father. Because of Jesus’ obedience that day, the woman received eternal life. In her excitement, she brought many others to Jesus to hear for themselves, and many believed that He was indeed the Christ, the Savior of the world (John 4:39–42).
The apostle Paul understood what Jesus had been teaching His disciples. When Paul wrote to the believers in Rome, he stressed that “the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. For he who serves Christ in these things is acceptable to God and approved by men” (Rom. 14:17–18).
When Satan tempted Jesus to turn stones into bread, Jesus quoted the Scriptures, summarizing the focus of His life and ministry: “Know that man shall not live by bread alone; but man lives by every word that proceeds from the mouth of the Lord” (Deut. 8:3).
Blackaby, Richard. Experiencing God Day By Day (p. 381). B&H Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.
Pastor’s Thoughts
If we are going to be used by God to do what God created us to do, then we must pattern our lives after what His Word says our lives should consist of.
Our lives are to be focused completely on pleasing The Lord God and ignoring the temptation to please others and to please ourselves. If we are focused on pleasing others, then we will never please The Lord. If our lives focus on pleasing ourselves then we will never be able to please The Lord.
I know each of you are at different stages in your walks with Jesus Christ. Some of you have yet to make Jesus the Lord and Savior of your life.
So, what should you do with this?… Baby steps… That’s right, one step at a time, increase Jesus in your life and decrease everything else.
Start by spending 5 minutes a day reading your Bibles, then the next day move to 6, and so on and so on. The same with prayer or any other thing that God shows you that He wants in your life.
As you practice living your life the way God intended for you to live it then you will begin to become fuller and fuller. You will enjoy pleasing The Lord. You will enjoy reading His Word, praying, fasting, singing, serving others, and so much more.
You can do this. No matter what stage you are in with your life with Christ, you can do this. Through Christ who gives you the strength to do His will.
If you have not made Jesus, your Lord and Savior yet, then I want you to know these things I just said will not and cannot be enjoyed and understood fully until you have made the decision to surrender to Jesus.
Have a blessed Thursday everyone!
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